Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Orange VW minibus/magic bus- a classic camper on wheels....

Just a shot here of a great looking vw mini-bus as the eye candy shot of the week....I've been looking around online so frequently at these things, that I won't be surprised if sooner or later I buy a used beater of a model, and play around with it. We'll see....

Also, I'm going to be in and out so frequently this weekend on a design job that I might not get to posting anything new (we'll see) until the extended weekend is over- but I will be back with LOTS of new/fun tiny house, and small cabin/treefort pics. I also plan on attempting to hit the Berkshire Botanical Gardens one of these next days, to shoot some photos, and video of a treehouse exhibit that they have running through October 15th. The Tyler Arboretum in PA also has a pretty stellar display running right now as well- but that'd a little bit of a hike for me.

Photo from
And my new book.........the expanded edition- only $11.53 for awhile.....with a FREE SHIPPING option....

 -Derek "Deek" Diedricksen