Check out the lil' video we shot while there. This one was filmed at 6am on Day 5 of our stay there, so you can hear the fatigue in my voice.
All in all, it was an incredibly fun weekend, with a great group of students and even with a few tiny house dwellers/guest who stopped by to say hello.
Our next workshop will be "Tiny House Summer Camp 5"
September 15-17th, 2017- in Orleans, VT on Deek's 10 acre off-grid spread...
Its another Diedricksen brothers workshop with guest tiny house builders, dwellers, bloggers, designers, and more! Attendees are welcome to camp out, and we'll have talks, demos, and discussions at night by a bon fire. We'll also work on several builds all at once and each student will be encouraged to cycle through each group so as to learn as many new skills and techniques as possible!
If interested, here's the link....
-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen