Thursday, February 25, 2016

"The Charlavail"- Rustic, Solar Tiny House in Vermont

     So just the other weekend, we finished up another Diedricksen Brothers Hands-on Tiny House Workshop- and one of our guest speakers was Domenic Mangano of The Jamaica Cottage Shop (South Londonderry, VT). Lucky for us, Dom brought out not only one of his tiny houses on wheels, but his very newest model- one dubbed "The Charlavail".

A solar array, gas range, Dickinson marine stove, dual lofts, and a great little bay-bump-out.....this one has some great features. To see more work from Domenic 

Naturally, we shot a video (me yapping and Dustin behind the camera), and here's what transpired.

Note: Our NEXT HANDS-ON Tiny House Workshop- May 13-15th- Chattanooga, TN..... We'll be building and teaching at the Tiny House Chattanooga compound- a great indoor facility run by Mike Bedsole. Before the date, hit the banner at the top of this blog for sign-up info! Space is limited for this building workshop!
You can check out more from Mike at 


Below: a very similar shower/bathroom from abother of Dom's tiny houses that we recently toured....

As for the upcoming workshop....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen