joshua tree workshop 2018

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WHAT THE HECK DO I DO WITH THESE!? (Tiny house/cabin-building discussion #8)

So for the fun of it, as I already have plans and a ton of ideas, here's another posting/edition of "What The Heck Do I Do With These!?".

This time around, while cruising around, I found two large sets of sliding-glass, set, frosted with some designs, the other, of the rain-glass variety... I also grabbed one very large/thick glass table top- its tinted just a little bit...

(Not the actual doors- but prob the same size)

I somewhat have a plan to use them for solar purposes- ie. a batch hot-water shower/heater (although clear glass would work much better), or for use as static windows for a few construction projects for clients (micro-offices, shedworking, cabins, forts, shelters, tiny guest homes), but there are MANY other things I'm sure we could do with these.

Give us your input/ideas, as it helps ALL of us out, and its fun to read 'em!

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen