Thursday, April 16, 2020

LAST CHANCE! Tiny House Bundle- $2000+ of plans/books/courses for only $49!

SO if you haven't checked out the tiny house bundle by now, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE.

Put together by Ethan Waldman (VT Tiny House Dweller/Author) this bundle is loaded with $2175.00 of plans, e-courses, ebooks, seminars, and MORE- for only $49.

AND.... if you pick one up, it helps THIS blog and THIS channel, as well as the other people involved with it.

The plan set I contributed is my two story "Half A-Frame Framing Plan Set" (one dubbed "The Dart") that usually alone is $35, so for not all that much more, you're getting another $2000+ of stuff.

At least check it out at this link here, as it might introduce you to some new builders and new names in the field, if anything.

Thanks in advance!