Saturday, November 21, 2015

"Cheapo" 2by4 Sculpture in MA- that looks killer!

As most of you know by now, isn't JUST about tiny houses, but the site has also aimed to work in my other interests- tree houses, bizarre art, DIY projects, salvaging and flea market finds, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

So, while I was setting up a fun, collaborative cabin/clubhouse/art studio that I designed and built with my cub scout den as a learning exercise in carpentry and recycling (more on that soon- its on display at the Fuller Craft Museum in Brockton, MA now), I came across this cool sculpture (above) by the entrance of the building.

I found it pretty interesting, and look closer.....

Its simply a standing array of fanned-out two by fours..... clever!
One of the two by fours (the longest) simply serves as the anchored stand for the structure too....

Well, aside from tiny house and tree house building and design, I've been heading up many art installation and renovation projects in the town of Stoughton, MA, and its budget-friendly ideas like these that really get the gears turning. 

I also have whats called "Robot Junction"- a random grove of huge wooden, scrap-material, robots in the woods of Vermont (on my 10 acre "Tiny House Summer Camp" compound), and this is something I might want to try out there down the road. 

We'll see.... So many fun little time......

Meanwhile- chock full of salvage and money saving ideas- my new book "Microshelters" is out now! Pick up a copy if you'd be so kind....