JULY 6-9th- FOUR DAYS of Tiny House Building, Learning, Touring, and MORE!
(Photo by Bruce Bettis) |
Here's pretty much the final bill (well, unless we get crazy and add another person or two as speakers- which could very well happen!). I'm out the door in minutes for a Tumbleweed video and photo shoot in Boston, so I'll add some specific photos later of the cabins you'll stay in, the one's we'll visit, videos of the premises (the 10 acres where this will be held in Northern Vermont) and more details. Its a FOUR DAY workshop (last day isn't a mandatory monday, its more of a fun, wind-down day, with some last min building and touch up, and a field trip to a tiny house/camp compound in a neighboring town). The workshop runs from 4pm on that Friday (sign up and set-up (where you'll stay or camp), with a meet n' greet campfire dinner, some touring of the grounds, and a campfire speaking/discussion group at night, and runs until 4pm on Monday. LOTS we'll be going over- with some AMAZING guests......YES, we'll collectively be putting together a tiny cabin too!