Sunday, May 29, 2011

500' cable ride across a river to Louie's Cabin In The Woods (Lloyd Kahn Video)

Great video from Lloyd Kahn of Shelter Publications here- and showing a rather ingenious (and fun) way to arrive at one's backwoods homestead/cabin. Much more from Lloyd (included his upcoming tiny house/homes book) over at
Shelter Publications are responsible for several great books on the outer-living, homesteading, free-thinking, self-built home tip- I most recommend "Homework"- as well as "Shelter"- hours of eye candy- that I STILL relook at. Lloyd's new book on tiny houses (in which I believe I'll have some sketches of mine included) is due out late this year- from what I last heard. Can't wait to review it/check it out!

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen