Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A truly "Green" playhouse/possible vacation cabin

If this is the kid's playhouse, I can't imagine how ridiculously opulent the actual main home would be!? I love the open look and feel of this design though, and the seemingly random addition of the green-stained/painted boards. In warmer climates, with several tweaks, it could make for very nice tiny vacation house/cabin....
Open House by Nixon Tulloch Fortey

(from Holly Gomez of "A Place Imagined": Can I get an adult version of this?  Six amazing playhouses were designed and built for the 2011 Cubby House Village at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show.   They're all great designs, but this one really caught my eye.

Here's the write up on Open House:
Open House has been designed like a life-size toy, It’s singular material and object like form is intended to appeal to a child’s perception of a house – four walls, a pitched roof and a chimney - much like a Monopoly House. Whilst the exterior is very literal at first glance, “Open House” needs to be ‘unpacked’, which provides a flexible and ever-changing dynamic that allows the end user to create a myriad of real and imagined spaces.
Elements take on multiple identities – the wall that folds down to open the ‘house’ up to the garden also becomes a deck, or maybe a drawbridge, or maybe a shop window. One or more features can be unpacked at any one time. Once fully unpacked or opened, there is potential for a number of children to play in and around “Open House”.
With its contemporary detailing yet traditional form, “Open House” has the flexibility to sit well within any backyard. The design of “Open House” means it’s up to the proud home owner to decide just how it looks and works – giving them a sense of ownership of their very own abode.

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen