joshua tree workshop 2018

Sunday, January 2, 2011

John Osorio Buck’s Shelter-Art…The Utopia Eight/Ikea Camper

John Osorio Buck’s Shelter-Art…The Utopia Eight/Ikea Camper

I randomly found this guy through a google offshoot link and really dig his eye/style/shelter work- he’s based out of Cambridge, MA (Small world!- I’m like 12 miles from there) and I’d love to get an interview down with him at some point perhaps.
Check out some of these shots from his gallery- you can check out more at
The Bare Bones of Utopia Eight

A Pretty Cool Design- John has these available as t-shirts on his site...
AND yet another micro-structure from J.O.B…..

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen