Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A Fold Down Electric Tiny House Deck?

You've seen plenty of fold-down decks in the tiny house world, but have you seen one that operates (lowers and lifts) by means of an electric hoist?

The idea is pretty simple really, and works rather well as you'll see in this video clip we took at the Tiny House NC Street Festival that Andrew Odom put together. 

The design comes from Chris Strathy, who runs the company "The Capable Carpenter". Be sure to check him out!

AND.... Tiny House Summer Camp SIX has been announced- at our same 10 acre spread in Vermont. Hit the banner NEAR the top of this page for more details/to sign up. Each year we have MANY hands-on projects, guest speakers, live demos, and a ton more- ALL with camping included on the premises.