Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Supertramp Mobile Bike House/Camper Concept- Tiny Home Living- on Wheels!

These photos are just too much fun, and while something like this would be a little too clunky to really ride around with, and would be very unaerodynamic, I could see a frame and canvas concept like this working rather well in a treehouse setting, where lightness counts. You could also erect a structure like this on a small houseboat type float. One review I read, knocks the structure for having a woodstove in it as being too much of a fire hazard (although military tents did this for ages), and while I tend to agree somewhat, I think more of the concern would be in terms of sheer weight/drag. Certainly a unique take on portable dwellings in conjunction with tent-like tiny houses/cabins.

Built and designed by the "do tank" people at Lehman B....