Friday, June 17, 2011

Front Architects (Poland) and their billboard-style SINGLE HAUS/house

 For MORE on tiny housing, small living, and our own designs, projects, and our "Tiny Yellow House" videos, and more- join our FACEBOOK TINY HOUSING GROUP HERE....

Tiny/micro-housings-meets-pole dancing? No, not really, but here's a pretty unique take on positioning very small homes and cottages in an aerial fashion.

It'll be the year 2034 before something like this is approved for mass production or use here in the states (and by then martians will have taken over anyway (and hold all the high-ranking, building department positions), but this idea (assuming it holds up in high-winds), is just great, although really not so profound. I'd love to see one of these built, as all the photos I've seen have been computerized renderings.....

The SINGLE HAUS is designed to fill the niche for building in extreme/hard-to-settle landscapes such as marshes, cliff sides, lakes, and even in place of old highway billboards.

If anyone happens to stumble across and interior floor plan, or layout, please let us know.

And for newcomers- one of our latest mess-around projects/videos...An alien-looking treehouse...

 -Derek "Deek" Diedricksen