UPDATE- we just ALSO added a VAN DWELLING conversion project to this workshop!!!!
(above) The vibe/scene of past workshops....
As for California....We loved it so much out there that we bought a 5 acre chunk of land, and we're going back for an intimate, yet awesome workshop! JUST added too- Steven Harrell of Tiny House Listings to talk solar and build with us, and Chris Strathy (from NC- aka "The Capable Carpenter"- a custom tiny house builder).
May 4th and 5th, 2019 (Sat and Sun)- with a third day work trade evening if you'd like... (Friday- some MORE building, a talk, a meal...)
Friday evening will have an on-site salvage competition too for the best item found AND the best repurposing idea.
Note- this workshop has an early-bird discount of $60 if you sign up before April 7th! (price will be $299 instead of $359)
"Deek's Mad-Max-Like Weird Desert Camp Out DIY Thing"
(with a lot of tiny house focus/builders)
(For tiny house fans, salvage nerds, n' thrifty folks that love building stuff)
This is yet Another Diedricksen Brothers Workshop (always HANDS-ON building and live demos)- This is their NINTH YEAR hosting workshops in the US and beyond! I'm gonna be blunt here too- if its not fun, we're just not interested, so we want to show you a good time while you also learn a heck of a lot. But you don't know us personally, so you'll just have to take our word on that.

A little getaway cabin/pod we built last time with novices as a framing exercise (29 Palms, CA)
This workshop is "out there n' funky"- so maybe its not right for you. Perhaps you'd rather be at home collecting stamps, not taking chances, and being, well, lame. But if you want to hang out with us on a bizarre patch of desert land (5 acres) that we own, while slowly transforming it into something cool, while eating tacos, drinking beer/cocktails by campfire, seeing live demos, asking questions, building things, and so much more- than this is for you.
If any of that scared you away- well, we just weeded you out. No love lost/no harm done.
The land is rough, its a mess (for now- we'll change that!), but you're gonna be in great company and learn a lot. Don't worry, its not in the middle of nowhere, and you can drive right up to the site and park on it.
This is also going to be one of the smallest and most intimate workshops we do, as we don't want this being a "cattle call" where you won't end up getting individual attention- you WILL. We have a host/teacher for every 4 students. You WILL NOT find that- EVER- with any other workshop!

Ideally, we're thinking no more than 12-14 students for this workshop. Any more becomes more a "mob", than an easy-to-manage, fun, group that will get plenty of one on one QnA and build-contact time.
This will be two days long- with the invite for you to come an evening early (3rd day) on work-study trade to help us set-up (and even build a little)- A "Tacos, beer, and fire evening" for your help. More on that lower below.
Basically- the quick info first...
-Again, Its two days, hosted by former HGTV host ("Tiny House Builders") Derek "Deek" Diedricksen with Steven Harrell (youtube host/builder for "Tiny House Listings"), and more....
-Cost is $299 per person BEFORE APRIL 1st. After April 1st it resumes the regular price of $359.00- so don't snooze!
-We DO have camping options (space) if you'd like- nothing glamorous, but its merely offered for those that want to rough it and save some money. There is no running water or power- its a desert site, but VERY accessible and close enough to many stores, restaurants, and more. Each day you need to bring a lunch, and we'll disperse early enough for you to get a late dinner (or you can bring whatever). We're not caterers and people's diets are so varied that trying to feed everyone has been a nightmare in the past.
-Its Sat and Sunday- 10am to 9pm each day. You CAN arrive Friday late afternoon too (details to follow) if you'd like, as part of the work-trade hangout (we WILL put you to work clearing/readying the land- but we'll provide the after-work beverages, a ton of tacos, and we can all hang by a fire (you'll need gloves and good work boots). Plan on working about 3-4 hours or so before we break (4pm to 7/8 pm). We'll then all hang out to hit a local pub to hang out together.
"Deek, I have no building experience- is this going to be right for me?"
YES, we'll have people of all skills levels, but this is more geared to people like you, and people that want to learn some outside-the-box techniques. We have so many cool things we'll be doing and taking about.
Every workshop is different. The focus ultimately aims towards cabins, tiny houses, and budget building via small skill projects. While the various things we'll undertake serve as microcosms of many of the things you'll need to know, we'll also dabble with some desert-related approaches, and more. We want you to have FUN, and to learn, and to learn by DOING.
We will not build a tiny house- there is no way that is possible in 2 days. This workshop is more DIY oriented with skill building projects, talks, QnAs by campfire, framing demos, and through you working alongside us on a few things. We want to give you the know-how and the confidence to tackle a variety of projects. More below...
What if I need to cancel? Please make sure your schedule is free before signing up. There is no refund on this once you have signed up (I even put that in bold font (and this too) so you can't say "I didn't know- I didn't see it") but we WILL give you a credit to ANY future workshop we do (its your job to keep tabs on when we next have them and to contact us to use your credit).
Again, just check your schedule before you sign up and there will be not problems. This will be fun- we'd love to have you, hang out with you, and build with you!
Salvage and budget building with the infusion of creativity is our forte too, so there will be a healthy dose of that.
Things we'll cover in two days:
Passive heating and cooling techniques- desert vs. other locales
Solar Cooking
Roofing and siding methods
Site selection and prep in your building projects
Solar energy talk/panel w/Steven Harrell
Pouring concrete footings and cabin foundation approaches (piers, helical pilings...)
Pallet building and deconstruction- dos/don'ts
Salvage selection and techniques- talk with Deek Diedricksen by bonfire
Building desert wind walls
Framing 101, and beyond- Live building
What NOT to do in a tiny house build…. Deek talk and illustrated demo
Learn to make adobe blocks
Solar Still Constuction and use
Other possibilities: FIELD TRIP to Noah Purefoy Museum- a haven of WEIRD, WEIRD salvage.
Building a tiny house on a trailer- and other info-loaded DIY tales w/Chris Strathy (aka "The Capable Carpenter")
Tools of the trade- selection, need, and what is "overrated"
ANY questions- newenglandrockpress@gmail.com
If you'd like to be a sponsor for this workshop- in the videos (youtube), on our flyers, in our posts, on our website and more- email the same address above.
-Deek Diedricksen