Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A recycled material "WILD WALL" at the Relaxshacks.com Tiny House/Cabin Building Workshop

I have a slew of photos coming soon, as I'm ALMOST rested from this past week (almost....), but I was particularly happy with how the "Wild Wall" in one of the cabins came out. This wall was ENTIRELY made from free, found, and salvaged material. EVEN the cedar 2by4 studs on the back wall were rescued from a mill that was going to toss them. The idea with our "Operation: Use It Up!" side mission was to take everyday scraps and junk, and see what could be made with them= saw horses, pallet chairs, modern lighting, tables, and more- we tackled quite a bit! What a fun weekend!

With our "Wild Wall" (which could EASILY be insulated, and then clad with the scraps instead), the workshop attendees each had a chance to select and then add, if they wanted, their individual flair to each "tile". Some pieces were the remnants of festival signs I've used over the years, while others were scraps of molding, Make-Magazine-project leftovers, and roadside finds.

The wall was also framed 12" on-center, so as to make use of some of our shorter scraps, and to enable us to make the wall, well, "wilder"! If only I had a spray paint stencil of "Gene Wilder" to work in!

I have a few videos on the way, and again, MANY MORE photos! Thanks to all who took part- what a GREAT group of people we had! Almost 50 in all between attendees, speakers, and our guest carpenters/hosts.

We will have another workshop, a Relaxshacks.com hands-on one in North Carolina- Off Grid, with camping in April, and MIGHT, MIGHT, have a mini indoor workshop coming up as well- a shorter, one (long) day one.....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen