Thursday, November 14, 2013

Repurposed suitcase FURNITURE for your budget/unique home??

Some wild ideas here, and I have an old family suitcase that I've been meaning to turn into a medicine cabinet or into wall storage for some time.... here's the photographic fire under my arse that I needed! A few furniture pieces and/or storage solutions for any home, whether you're headed for tiny, or just unusual.....

Get an old suitcase with a lock and key and you can then safely keep the booze away from the kids, or overindulging friends.....

                                          Above from:

I see suitcases being thrown away ALL the time, so here's something rather fun and unique! 

If you're into the DIY recycled and repurposing aspect of things, my book is right up your alley.... especially by way of kids forts, tiny cabins, and even weird furniture pieces.....

Derek "Deek" Diedricksen