Friday, July 19, 2013

Our Next Tiny House Building Workshop Locale? Canton, MA?

It all depends on time, energy, and desire (as I have a few other projects in the works), but at some point I'd like to host a mini workshop at this site in Canton, MA (I've been given permission)- we'll see.....I just have to get a few things out of the way first.....its a gorgeous little plot of land though! If not 2013, then 2014.....

This workshop would be VERY small- which would be great, hands-on wise, say 14 people maximum. One day at this site, one day at another, a tour of my workshop and all my own cabins, some guest speakers, a pizza party/hang, a campfire, and a heck of a lot of funky ideas being exchanged!

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen