Monday, February 11, 2013

More Cheap/Free n' Funky Decor for YOUR HOUSE- Part 3

Decorating for a Dime- LITERALLY....
(PS- our North Caroline Tiny House Building Workshop (April 26th-28th, 2013)  is almost SOLD OUT- so get movin' if you want a slot!)

 Shelves sagging under the weight of your insanely huge tiny house book and architectural-tome collection? Have no fear, "Super Thrifty Rustic Man" is here! No, I'm not cheap, I actually blow lots of money on eating out, travel, and many stupid things (bedazzled shoe horns, remote control whoopee cushions, snuggies), but I do LOVE creating things....even when its something as simple as THIS FIX....which is a great project with young kids too, as its so incredibly easy, and teaches them the value of recycling and, well, not being a lazy tub of goo.


To do this properly, you want to have a stock of "squaw wood" (wrist thick, or so, limbs) that have been previously selected, and stored/dryed. Better yet, if they're stored indoors, they've already acclimated to the climate of your home in terms of expansion and contraction. It shouldn't matter TOO much if you don't do this ahead of time, but you run the risk of the wood expanding, or shrinking, by as much as 1/4" afterwards if you don't. That's up to you, especially if you're building something that needs to be "K.T.T" as I call it- "Kitchen Cabinet Tight". Also, drying and storing the wood gives it a chance to shed itself of the boring insects that already might be inherent in the wood when it was living.

Note: These branches are among many I saved and shaved/skinned from a large limb that fell in a storm about two years ago. I keep using these things for a variety of projects...BIRCH WORKS and LOOKS great too, but from a blight, we don't have many of them around here, so I usually spare those that I could have harvested.
Step 1: Carefully measure the lengths you need, and make 'em a hair want these to tightly fit into place so that they could almost be left in place on a gravity/pressure-fitting alone.

Step 2: I gave them a quick coat of Minwax Polyurethane- if there are any bugs within, this might kill them, or at least won't make them so happy. If stored/dryed properly, there should not be any powder post beetles, or anything in these sure to look them over before using them. I've done this so many times and have never had a problem.

Step 3: Jam 'em into place and secure them with a mere brad from above, and a toe-nailed brad from below. Again, a tight fit should do most of the work for you, even without this tiny nail. You can use a dab of construction adhesive too, if you'd like.

Step 4: Never have to worry about your sagging shelf again. Commence reading and hoarding books.....

This tip is pretty unprofound, but I have many, many, many like it (but a bit more inventive/funky) in my book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks"....if you might be lookin' for more!

 -Derek "Deek" Diedricksen