Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Sweet Pea- A Tiny "Green" Houseboat/Floating Home

Love this one, and thanks to Jon Kalish, NPR host (who will also be attending/hanging out at "Tiny House Summer Camp" in Vermont next weekend) who brought this one to my attention.....

AND....we've also added surprise guest Sage Radachowsky, who will be coming up to talk about his building, and tiny house living, experiences. Sage is a great guitar player too (and BUILDS them- www.selvaguitars.com), so I'm sure he'll be breaking one out after our workshops campfire discussions.....I hope to feature another video on him soon, if I can find the time to piece it together before the workshop. Sage currently lives in a Gypsy Wagon of his own design. has previously dwelled in a treehouse,

Its a houseboat dubbed "The Sweet Pea"- and was recently also featured by Apartment Therapy- a great design blog....

Sweet Pea, built and designed by Mike Auderer of Olympia Construction, is a 550-square-foot houseboat (located in Olympia, Washington). The boat is also the first houseboat to be certified by the state's Built Green agency, so I'm told. Auderer lives aboard Sweet Pea, but he is now in the process of building similar boats for others- most in the $150,000 price range. Affordable Floating Homes for more info

ALSO, here's a little video I did a ways back on a tiny houseboat/shantyboat.....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen