Here's a very bizarre one for you tiny house lovers out there- one I had fun schemin' n' sketching- and yes, its part of
"SIXTY SHACK SKETCHES IN SIXTY DAYS" (#44). I'm picking up where I left off, as I've been sick for close to a week and just haven't had it in me to get much done. These sketches were a series leading up to the release of the NEW
"Humble Homes, Simple Shacks"- which is already out at this point- but, I'm going to complete the full sixty anyway. Again, thanks to anyone who has supported me and this site by ordering a copy of the book-
only $11.53 w/a free shipping option. Thanks!
The core of this could very easily be used for a guest house or a tiny home, even at a mere 10' by 10'. It would have a sleep space (a 5' by 7' bunk/loft), a simple kitchenette in one corner, and a small boating-toilet area could be added beneath some of the bunk (only taking up a portion of it), or could be added as a bump-out on the back end of the structure. The shower, at least initially, could be a simple outdoor, propane-heated unit. |
This particular design/concept is from a version of "Quick Camps And Leg Cramps"- an old micro-zine/mini-book I had out in a very, very limited quantity a long ways back- we'll eventually get more printed.