12 TERRIFIC AND TINY (well, most of 'em) HOUSEBOATS and SHANTYBOATS.....PART 2....
Here's ANOTHER gallery of really cool, unique, fun, and in some cases, damn tiny houseboats and shantyboats for your viewing/drooling pleasure. I REALLY still want to build one at some point and the more I talk about it with my brother Dustin, the more it becomes a "larger" documentary-style project- featuring a few works/boats of others, and the building process of one I'd design, and launch- giving viewers a cruise along the North River in Massachusetts- home to some REALLY cool and offbeat small homes. Anyway, I'm getting way ahead of myself, so whether you're a boat nut, or a tiny house/cabin fan, I think you'll appreciate some of these.....I also added my "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" sketch of "The Pimple" in the mix (at the end)- as this is one of the sketches (and the reading of "Shantyboat" by Harlan Hubbard) that landed me houseboat-fever yet again!
"The Pimple (aka THE TERRAPIN)"- the tiniest of "house"boats- a sketch from "HUMBLE HOMES, SIMPLE SHACKS" |
Only $11.49- the NEW edition of my book- through the link (amazon) in the left hand column of this blog |
-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen