joshua tree workshop 2018

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Cabin “The Hickshaw” wins BEST DESIGN AWARD 2010 from Shedworking (UK)

(from our old site archives)
Wow….a damn pleasant surprise….especially since the UK site of author Alex Johnson features some incredible designs, sheds, builders, and overall concepts…..but my lil’ shed/single sleeper/greenhouse/sauna/ice-fishin’ shack combo “The Hickshaw” won The “BEST DESIGN” Shedworking award of the year. Crazy….esp as its made out of well, “trash”- almost all throwaway-materials.

An ultra-cool shed/structure from Alex's Shedworking Blog...(a grain bin and two feed troughs?)
For those who have no ideas what I’m talking about structure-wise, its this goofy lil’ thing. I had a blast building it and never even intended to get so into online videos and vlogging, until we shot a joke-episode on this tiny cabin/shelter, and well, things kinda exploded….

-Derek “Deek” Diedricksen