Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Massachusetts Tree House Builder's New Work (Modern Light-Up Tree Cabin!)

So as many of you know, I build a heck of a lot of tree houses (even more so than cabins and tiny houses since I'm often a one-man crew), and its something I've always been doing.... and love. I mean heck, I'm an adult who gets to make part of my living building forts, offices, and cabins in trees- what's not to love?

My book "Microshelters" features a few I've done over the past years, in addition to tiny houses, art studios, forts, backyard offices and more.... You can check that book out HERE: 

Meanwhile, here's my last tree house of THIS season, as, well, its getting a bit cold and icy out there in Massachusetts to be monkeying around up in trees.

This particular tree house build was an affordable one that worked in some salvaged from a pre-existing tree house on the site. This little cube-like, modern cabin is a mere 7' by 7' (to thereby allow 8' stock plywood sheets to overhang as its roof decking), is adult-standable on its entrance side, features a mini bunk-loft, and resides about 8' off the ground. It also has a cool little porthole window worked in (from the company "Pet-Peek"). They're about $30 on Amazon....

Initially it wasn't going to have posts, but anytime I build a tree house for clients with kids, its an extra step in safety and "just in case" precaution that I like to take. Another rule of thumb is that I usually won't build off any tree that is under 12" in diameter. The different tree house features in my "Microshelters" book drop some other tidbits and rules along the way if you ever happen to check that out.

I'll have a full video tour really soon on this one, so keep an eye out over on www.youtube.com/relaxshacksDOTcom. 

And our NEXT hands-on Workshop....

CHATTANOOGA, TN- THREE DAYS! May 13-15th, 2016

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