Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Build a No/Low-Dough Pallet DECK for your tiny home/cabin....

Here's a quick little video I shot shortly after we wrapped up our North Carolina, hands-on Tiny House Building Workshop. This Pallet Deck Project was something that a few attendees worked on off to the side while other building was going and during breaks. It was an idea I had to be able to provide a variety of hands-on projects, AND to ensure that everyone was getting dirty, busy, and experienced. Its not fully done in the video, but you get the general idea....

Still to be added.... Bullnose decking around the edge, to give it a more defined and solid look (a SIMPLE tip in visual trickery, and budget building), a clear protective coat, and raising it a bit off the ground- all of which we mention in the short video tour.