Wednesday, June 5, 2013

ANOTHER "What the heck is THIS tool for!?"

Here's another found freebie I came across just recently. Its something I have no use for, but I thought it interesting. What's it used for? Take a guess.....

We'll get back to my tiny house/cabin on wheels updates soon, I promise! I'll also be teaching the Boston (at Simmons College) Tumbleweed Tiny House Workshop this weekend as well- should be fun! Last year's was GREAT! We have Sage Radachowsky coming out as a guest speaker, Ross, Tumbleweed's new solar expert, and even another guest builder/tiny house owner.

If you missed Sage's Gypsy Wagon tour that I hosted (over 500,000 views now!), check it out here....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen