Friday, March 1, 2013

NY Times Micro Cabin/Office "The Gypsy Junker" FOR SALE...

After much debate, and simply for the need of yard space (so I can finish my mini houseboat, a tiny house on wheels, have more room for upcoming workshop activities, AND build a prototype transforming A-frame that David Stiles and I are working on) I've decided to list "The Gypsy Junker" for sale. $1200.00.
    ALL proceeds will go straight into these new projects of mine, and toward filming them for my show "Tiny Yellow House" on youtube (almost EIGHTY episodes now!). Price is firm, as if it does not sell, I won't be too heartbroken, as I REALLY like this little cabin, and its been a great visual took for the backyard workshops I've hosted.

A little info...
(You can also find more on

   This cabin, made with a slew of funky, fun, and weird recycled materials (which took eons to find, and a ton of work) is about 32 square feet. It has a sleep platform that also doubles as a desk, three windows, and a dutch style door. If I had to guess, I'd think it weighs around 800 lbs., and you'll need a flat bed tow truck to move it. I initially built this as a micro office for blog work, and a camp shelter. It would also make for a great little garden shed, a really unique chicken coop, or a great kids fort. Its sturdy and has stood to two hurricanes now, many large snowstorms and a tree falling on it (no damage) last year. It was built three years ago.

It was cover featured in the NY Times (Feb, 2011), and has been in The Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Seattle Times, The UK Daily news, ABC, CBS, and SpaceTV, China Times, Bund Pictoral (China), The hoempage of, Make magazine, and about 1000 other places.

Below is a video tour of the structure, and a clip from it being talked about on China's largest TV News Network....

You can email me (serious inquiries only please!) at kidcedar at

Its also featured in my book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks"....