Saturday, February 2, 2013

TWENTY Houseboats n' Floating Homes in Sausalito, CA- PART 2

Back in October I had a chance to head cross country to San Francisco, CA, where I got to do many things tiny house related.....visit a few awesome tree houses, hang with Lloyd Kahn (author/editor of "Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter"- pretty much one of THE BEST tiny house books out there), AND....see the Sausalito houseboat community!
   I'm pretty obsessed with houseboats and shantyboats, so as you can imagine, I took TONS of photos. Unfortunately, while those passing by were friendly, I wasn't invited into any of them for interior shots....still, I thought you might enjoy some of these photos....
     Here is GALLERY #2 (CLICK HERE if you want to see the old gallery I posted a ways back.

All photos by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Thanks for checking these out! And for those looking for some books on the subject matter, AND my DIY tiny structure design/concept book.....

ALSO, if you missed our TINY YELLOW HOUSE youtube episode/tour of a Houseboat in Boston, check it out below!