Friday, February 8, 2013

The STEAM STUDIO- an artsy/fun n' funky tree house office....

 I LOVE THIS lil' studio- a functional art piece, if you will, and one I came across a ways back. Its something, among many other structures, that I'll be putting into the next book I've been working on- yes, another book on micro-architecture, ranging from pimped out, fully functional tiny homes, to more whimsical structures, and everything in between. It won't be quite "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" Part TWO, but WILL have some new art sketches and out-there shelter concepts, I promise.

Anyway, I'm getting this blog post up before we lose power, as the lights keep flickering and the Boston area is getting NAILED with this snow storm. Aside from the Tumbleweed Workshop I was teaching (about 100 students) being cancelled, which I was REALLY looking forward to hosting, I'm enjoying the snow, and even made some yard-snow-cones with the family after dinner. No, we didn't scoop up any yellow snow....

The wood stove is roaring, I've got beer, candles, and everything else I could possibly need....

Back on track, I contacted the Swedish artist/designer of this cool architectural installation, Helle Kvamme, and here's what she had to say...
Hi Derek, 
Here's a little background on that structure....

Steam studio is a project I did in 2007 as a part of an international art exchange by SKART / Ireland. The project was called PLUS/MINUS therefore the steam that would change the temperature in the studio from minus to plus degrees. This became a source of fantastic experimentation. While working in the studio I had to fire up a wooden stove to steam water. The steam went up through a pipe in the floor and changed the dry cold air to moist warm air. It was possible for me to work there for some time but the steam made fog on the glass and then the place became more private and I was simply a shadow in the space and at night. When I stopped firing, the place got cold again and the window became icy on the inside and therefore distorted the image of the room.

I use recycled materials if possible / too much stuff in this world. The steam studio is built from to large windows that a neighbor gave to me. 

One of the reasons for me making this studio was the longing to work in a place enclosed by nature and to make my concentration be concerned with my surroundings. I wanted to force my eye to look at this everything in detail.

You can find out more, and see other photos of my work at

Kind Regards Helle

For those of you into far-our micro-structures, camps, cabins, and tiny houses....check out my book, AND I had a recent post on THE BEST TINY HOUSE BOOKS OUT THERE....which I shot a vlog video for.... Here's that video again (where I'm massively sleep deprived! lol- I look like a zombie!)....and the book link tis' below...