Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Light Box- a 45 square foot Tiny House On Wheels

 I know many will be quick to jump and say "its too small!", and "it won't work", but this little tiny house on wheels (collectively built at the Relaxshacks.com Tiny House Building Workshop we had two weekends ago), will have a tiny bathroom, a sleep loft for two, and a mini Murphy bed down below- a little reading/nap nook as well. Its a mere 5.5' by 8', and its front wall illuminates at night, serving as a "light box" of sorts, highlighting the colored glass bottles that will sit on it shelves. These 2 by 6 shelves also serve as steps up to the loft. We'll explain more soon!

Actually Kent Griswold will, as he's hosting a slew of photos from the workshop this week over on TINY HOUSE BLOG, Steven Harrell of TINY HOUSE LISTINGS, will also post on the workshop (he attended, and even stayed in the "All Eights" Micro Cabin, as shown below.

Kent will also announce the NEXT Tiny House Building Workshop I'll be hosting, and this one WILL NOT be in New England- we're headed down south....keep checkin' his blog (and Steven's)!

As always- we're looking for more tiny houses, tree houses, forts, playhouses, shacks, huts, houseboats, and travel trailers for an upcoming book I've been working on- send 'em to kidcedar at gmail dot com- you'll get full credit, and might even get a little feature/write-up as well.