Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tiny Houses (Me and Sage) featured in US News/Yahoo.com

 (Above: The Workshop "Classroom"- redefined.....here's one of the locale's where we'll be hanging out and building. These micro-structures from my youtube show "Tiny Yellow House" will serve as examples of what can be done with certain free and recycled materials)

Yet more proof that so many people are very curious about alternative architecture and tiny house living...here's an article that US News covered, and that later ran on Yahoo.com. Sage Radachowsky, a Gypsy Wagon Dweller/Carpenter, who is also featured, is one of the speakers/guests at our Relaxshacks.com Tiny House Building Workshop- 3 days, camping (if you'd like), MANY speakers and demos, hands-on building, guest cabins/campers that you'll get to tour, an optional trip to THE first built Tumbleweed Tiny House in Boston (the one Jay Shafer lived in), a pizza party, nightly bonfire discussions, networking galore, and more!!!

Check out the article here...  http://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/2012/09/18/could-you-live-in-a-120-square-foot-house

Only about 3 spots left, email me at kidcedar at gmail dot com

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen