Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Vintage Perfection Kerosene Heater- Treehouse Building/Furnishing....

Check out this old school/vintage heater- I grabbed it at an antique barn as an impulse buy for $60- I just loved the look. The wick is still good, the body is in great shape, and as long as you have adequate ventilation, this kerosene heater is rarin' ta' go. I might have to work this into a treehouse or guest house at some point as its more or less ART, as well as functional (functional art- "Fart"- sorry, couldn't resist). Its like the caveman version of a Dickinson Boat Stove (those I LOVE too!).    -Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

This "Perfection" Kero heater stands about 30" tall....