Saturday, August 18, 2012

Street Art: A micro treehouse model- made of Legos.....

A quick two-in-one-day post- something I tossed up on (and saw originally on )

 I've long wanted to do some anonymous (well, aside from declaring it on this blog right now) treehouse/tree fort "tagging", or midnight installations, in public places. This would be with micro treehouse models, not the real deal, full size ones- I mean, who has that kind of time or money? Anyway, after seeing a photo of one, passed on from a radio host friend (Jon Kalish), the bug nabbed me, and now I've been thinking of doing it on and off again for some time-but again, you never heard it from me, as well, techically, its illegal in most cases.
    Now, this tiny lego treehouse here....its not going to help me kick the desire! So cool!

  Derek "Deek" Diedricksen runs the blog, alongside, Hosts "Tiny Yellow House" TV on youtube, and is author of the tiny house, fort, cabin, treehouse, and cottage design book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" which you can check out by clicking HERE.