Thursday, August 16, 2012

Kids Forts as Models For Tiny Houses??? A look-out tower modern home?

 From time to time here on I like to post photos of rather unique and interesting kids forts, playhouses, treehouses, and clubhouses. The reason I do this is because I feel there is always something to be architecturally learned from the simplest, or most elaborate, of child "dwellings"- ideas, decor approaches, use of space, and interesting contours, that can all be possibly placed and utilized in the world of "real" tiny house design. Designers of such structures are allowed, it seems, to take more chances on these type builds, mainly because of the lack of risk, and the lower overall cost of such a project- you're not going to experiment with one million dollars of a clients money to build something like the fort shown above, right? Whatever the case, I just love the fact that the two fields COULD and CAN very much overlap- if you choose.

Above, yet another kid clubhouse that might make for a nice tiny house if enlarged. The pole-construction nature of it would also lend well to uneven plots of land, marshy areas, or those prone to flooding.
 Sometimes the purists complain, or inwardly whine "Deek, this isn't true to the game! You're off target and need to ONLY report on Tumbleweeds, Vardos, and Micro-Cottages! I'm taking my views elsewhere!"

To those, I urge you to go instead to, or

Anyway, I still stand by the ties, and really liked the look of this tower-like playhouse- a photo taken by Holly Gomez over at Yes, its not practical, but I'm big fan of attempting to bring fun, lightheartedness, and hell, even child-like whimsy, into structures here and there. Why not making a dwelling fun to look at, as well as functional?

I'm also working on a list of GREAT books on this subject matter (posted soon), as there are many that are often overlooked. One, for starters, is this offering from David and Jeanie Stiles- two of the more talented names in the kids fort, and tiny structure, world. You can additionally check them out at I'll have another book of theirs to giveaway soon as well! Stay tuned.....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen