Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A ONE SQUARE METER transforming tiny house/shelter!?

 "This one might be going too far", is what comes to your mind upon first glance, but its really a clever/simple (a "climple") idea....

This lil' "house", now on display in Berlin, is from the mind of Van Bo Le-Mentzel. This little box shelter has an office, a bedroom, and doubles as a store- at 10.7 square feet, or one square meter, its aptly dubbed "One SQM House."

When laid on its side, the structure, which can be built for a little more than $350 USD or so, becomes a reclining sleeper (with the additiion of a small mattress (which perhaps can stow inside its box seat)). Stand it upright and you have an unbelievably small office, and the structure is also rigged so that it could easily make for a lemonade or small roadside, money-earning, kiosk. Its the Megatron, or, er...."Microtron" of tiny, tiny, tiny, structures (there's a Transformers reference for all your geeks out there!).

Not for many, but it sure is fun and, well, "climple".


NOTE: I'm working on loading a TON of photos from last weekend's "TINY HOUSE SUMMER CAMP" that I hosted in Vermont, which was a huge success- sold out, and we worked on not one, but TWO, tiny cabins in the woods. I can't wait to share them with you. -Derek "Deek" Diedricksen