Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to protect your tiny house when you're away- cabin security....

     There are many approaches, from motion detecting cameras, to pungee-stick pits (no, please don't...), but here is one of the simplest approaches, and one that works very well, and is EASY to construct. Lets face it, we've all heard of horror stories where off grid homes, when left for weeks on end, or even a day or two, are turned into underage party dens, targets for theft, or are just plain vandalized for no reason- and its a nightmare many of us at least think, if not worry, about. SO....give this video a quick whirl, and you'll then have one more protective approach in your arsenal. And if this works, hell, a few bear snares ought to do the trick! Again, kidding...kidding.....

When it comes to your hard-earned/hard-built tiny cabin, camp, or home, this idea can't hurt!

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen