Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Dinosaur Ferrocement Structure/House

File Under: Bizarre Structure/Buildings.... I'd LOVE to make a brontosaurus-shaped small house! Snails, women in skirts, dogs, its all been done- but what about Dinosaurs!? Where's the love??

 What can I say, I'm a kid at heart, and I love tiny houses- and what are tiny house but adult forts of sort? I've also been a sucker in the past (and still have a weak spot in my heart) for dinosaurs, comic books, treehouses, heavy metal, beer, anything cryptozoologically related, and really bloody horror movies (not in that order)- which never made me such a hit with the ladies back in the day! Nor now. So how do we combine all of those things into one structural build? Ya' can't (I wish!)- but here's a cool, vintage shot of a dinosaur edifice in the works that I simply wanted to share.

Its no tiny house, but what a cool postcard shot.... If I had millions of dollars....