Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TWENTY B-side Tiny House Shoot Photos- Teepees, VW Buses. Treehouses. and Much Randomness

I've never considered myself a photo nut, but when I looked back through my computer files tonight, I found SO many pictures that I had taken behind the scenes at video shoots, tiny house scout sessions, and while building and documenting what I do, that I guess I am a little/lot addicted. Some of these pertain to tiny homes, and most don't- its more (I hope) a visual "breather" in your day that you might enjoy, as each photo tells a story- each story being different to each viewer. From tiny house-related jaunts to Walden Woods, The Catskills, Brooklyn NY, Franconia Notch in NH, Seattle, Maine, Martha's Vineyard, Vermont, Boston, and my own backyard, tonight's photo search (for one shot not in this post), made me realize yet another way in which owning a smaller and more affordable home has benefited me; I have the free time to not only see these things, but to sit back, take it all in, and enjoy what I see.

 Its funny, us tiny house addicts (Kent Griswold, Tammy Strobel, Michael Janzen, Jay Shafer, etc) seem to LOVE photography.

One or two of these photos, such as the one directly above, are from my "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" book, but most were just deviations and distractions, things I wanted to capture just for the heck of it. Another one or two of these will probably be destined for another tiny house/small cabin book I've been pecking away at....

 Derek "Deek" Diedricksen runs the blog, Hosts "Tiny Yellow House" TV on youtube, and is author of the tiny house, fort, cabin, treehouse, and cottage design book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" which you can check out by clicking HERE.