Sunday, January 22, 2012

Got Milk Houses? Check this one- The famous Boston Hood Bottle Building/House....

Upcoming- LOTS of stuff....(thanks for your patience!)- Eli's Rollin' Cabin, a chat with Andrew Odom of, An interview with Tammy Strobel of (that Kent Griswold will debut), My "Cloffice" (closet-office) makeover, and more...

A NIGHTMARE for those lactose intolerant! Photos by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen
     Not practical, but it certainly is fun, and could possibly make for a 3 1/2 level living structure. Its is silo-like, yes, but workable. This is the famous Hood Bottle Building right outside the Children's Museum in South Boston. WOW- what a cool, fun place- interactive exhibits galore! We took the family there Friday night as Target sponsors a $1 Fridays series between 5-9pm. Otherwise its $12 to get in- STILL worth it. There are some incredibly creative designs and displays inside,with some amazing workmanship. I'll have some more photos down the road of a treehouse-like structure they had that blew my mind.

PS- if weird themed huts, shacks, tiny houses, and cabins are your thing- the NEW version of my book "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" has a MOON HOUSE OF THE FUTURE, A T-REX SHAPED HOME, an OWL BASED DESIGN, one that looks like a GIANT BULLET and more- and this is besides the much more practical tiny abode concepts. You can order it below- only $11.29- with an option for free shipping. Thanks! Its in some stores ALREADY (I saw a pile at a local Barnes N' Noble)- if they don't carry it, PLEASE ask for it to be ordered.