Monday, January 2, 2012

A classic 1963 treehouse/treefort (guest house?)- AND Sketch/tiny house concept #30 "The Robo-Hut"

I'll be posting design sketches later on of something called "The Robo-Hut"- for kids and adults alike later in the day, or's a sneak snippet...

    Also, just lowered the price of the new "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks" a little bit more (anyone who pre-ordered it, will get that lower price too (new its only $11.25))- better yet, Kent Griswold over at will be giving away a few copies soon- and perhaps some other stuff in conjunction with the books. I'll eventually give out a copy or so down the road too

And- Thanks to Koen Van Poucke over at our facebook "tiny yellow house and" discussion group, who dug up this one from a great site called The design originally ran in the magazine "Womens Day" in 1963.

And, I'M HALF WAY THERE!!!! Sketch #30 of "Sixty Shack Sketches in Sixty Days"...leading up to our new book release (below). Yes, finding the time to do all these sketches is not easy, its a pain in my ass in fact, but, as is the point, its forcing me to get my butt moving with some new ideas, new material, and new future-book content. Some of these will never see the light of day again after this is all done, but it is a good creative exercise for me.

Soon I'll also be posting a ton of book reviews, as I've gotten backlogged on that lately- I'll also post a "My favorite tiny house books of 2011/2012 list too".

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen