Saturday, December 17, 2011

The world's scariest, ugliest, prefabricated, cyclopean outhouse? Sketch/concept #15 of SIXTY!


"Errrr....I didn't have to go, but now after stumbling on your crazy outhouse, I need a fresh change of drawers!" Here's one I came up with that I've dubbed "The SHOUT house"- an ugly as heck, simple-to-build, camp outhouse/privy/sh-tter. 
      This is one sketch/idea of mine that few have seen, from the very small printings of my earlier mini-book "Quick Camps And Leg Cramps"- its a plywood sided, easily "pre-fabbable", sixteen-square-foot, outhouse. I already have a metal clad outhouse on the property of my Vermont cabin (see "Tiny Yellow House Episode #5" on Youtube) which we've dubbed "The Bomb Shelter", but when that one goes, some day, THIS is what I'm building! Its a simple design I came up with, sure to be a conversation piece for those who first visit it at night when camping out with us.

Again, this "SIXTY SHACK SKETCHES IN SIXTY DAYS" towards the release of the new edition of my book is what I felt would be a fun countdown to "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks, Cozy Cottages, Ramshackle Retreats, Funky Forts (And Whatever The Heck Else We Could Squeeze In Here!)" which is up now on These sketches are not in that book, and are rougher than what you'll find in "Humble Homes...", but represent some lesser seen, or unseen, stuff I've been sitting on.

And, since the holidays are just about here, if you need a fun, bizarre, gift for a friend who just happens to own a camp with an outhouse....look no further (below). I've read this book twice, and not only does it have some great photos of some very unique outhouses, but it gives a ton of history on them, and insight into the current sub-culture that still thrives around the concept and subject matter. And yes, there is an outhouse museum/historical society- its based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. I'd love to visit it, especially since Halifax is such a beautiful city.

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen