Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Diedricksen Brothers Tiny House Workshop in Joshua Tree, CA!

MARCH 23-24-25TH, 2018- Joshua Tree, CA
and more!!

So we hit Joshua Tree, CA after a hands-on Los Angeles workshop (at the CAFAM museum) last year, and fell in love with the place. So, we're heading back out there!

THIS (below) is the actual site where we'll build, have demos, hang out, network, and kick-back and have fun at night! Its the now famous "Bungalow In The Boulders" rental (airbnb) in Joshua Tree, run by Cary Ezell. The man is a DIY guru, as you'll see- and works wonders with concrete (custom countertops, furniture, etc). Check out the rental site HERE

Ever tour a bottle house? Well, you will, AND we'll be building (designing, framing, sheathing, siding, roofing, and more) a repurposed-materials tiny house/cabin in the desert WITH some conventional materials and approaches AND unconventional ones. Yes, we'll work in some recycled-material bottle work as well!

"The Bottleneck House"- ON the premises of the workshop in Joshua Tree- among other WILD structures

Building on a budget will be the theme- all while working in and discussing passive heating and cooling methods, and so much more.

Site selection, foundations, systems and more will all be discussed....  and in some cases, implemented.

The Hosts:
Derek "Deek" Diedricksen- Former host/designer/builder for HGTV's "Tiny House Builders", host of the youtube channel "Relaxshacksdotcom", bestselling author of "Microshelters", and tiny house and tree house designer. Deek's work has appeared in the NY Times, Time Magazine, China Times, the homepage of, and beyond....

Palo Coleman- Mad professor of the DIY world- Palo's specialties include Japanese architectural/construction techniques, bamboo joinery, tiny house design, and lathe turning.

Cary Ezell- Cary, a design and DIY expert, will be on hand to help and to teach us concrete pouring and molding methods. Cary will also lead a hands-on bottle wall demo (something no other workshops offer!)

Dustin Diedricksen- Another HGTV host alum, Dustin, and Environmental Engineer, has built and designed numerous tiny houses, tree houses, and backyard offices for the last ten years. His specialty is also budget building.... how to not break you wallet, and your back, while constructing your future home.

And MANY MORE TBA- including a few kick-butt women of the tiny house scene!!! 

A TON more details- and information regarding frequently asked questions is at the "Sign up" page/link. Be sure to check it out!

     We're also looking for sponsors- if interested-
(on site representation, blog coverage, mentioned in our youtube promotions (140,000+ subscribers, added to the future custom workshop full-color poster, and more!) 

Derek "Deek" Diedricksen