Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tiny house for the chemically-sensitive- and those who love cats!

Every once in awhile we have friends of ours guest host episodes for our channel found at www.youtube.com/relaxshacksdotcom.......So..... here's one of those very episodes.
This one's a Tiny house for the chemically-sensitive- and those who love cats... with guest host Andrew Odom (from www.tinyrevolution.us )

This tiny house ("The #TinyLab") is currently on the road as part of a US tour to show off the possibilities of living tiny, and living small with considerations of air quality, V.O.C.'s, and general health in a small, small, small, space.

You can find more from the #tinylab duo (well, trio, as they live tiny WITH a baby now) at www.proofispossible.com