Monday, June 22, 2015

THE tiniest tiny house out there? THIS ONE has to be close!

So, to make a long story short, two things.....

ONE, after getting word from a friend (tiny house dweller Chris Haynes) that he was selling his tiny house (A model called the "XS"- no longer carried by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company), AND when I heard how affordable it was, I jumped at the chance and bought it. Its a mere 60 square feet in size, with a tiny loft....

I'm going to renovate it down the road, and use it for guests here and there, but mainly, I just thought it was a cool tiny, tiny, tiny house. Did I mentioned its ONLY 6' by 10'. Yes, it has a loft, but a very small one (complete with a secret hatch, and storage that I'll show you in a video down the road).

The "XS" in transit to be delivered to my place. It was moved by Bryan at they did a great job! 

This brings me to....
TWO.... (Want to see it? Want to BUILD and DESIGN with us? Want to completely revamp a downtown storefront with art and funk in one of two days we're gathering?)

One reason I purchased this, is that aside from the ongoing projects and funky cabins that people will get to see in my backyard when I do workshops, I always want to make sure people get to set foot inside a real-deal tiny house. There's no better way to get a feel for one, and its capabilities, or limitations, than to actually get your ass inside one. This one, mind you, could be one of THE SMALLEST ones out there, so it serves as a better in example in that anything you're probably planning on building will feel palatial compared to this!

SO.... (and it might be available to stay in too).....


July 25th AND July 26th, we're doing a VERY SMALL, VERY INTIMATE, VERY FUN two day workshop in my funky, weird, storefront art studio in downtown Stoughton, MA....

We'll have guest builders
A demo and talk or two, three.....
We'll work on many skill-sets while building and designing wooden art pieces, and more, for ANOTHER underutilized storefront in town.... (scroll saw work, framing, chop saws, tricks of the trade, design principals).
We'll tour a tiny house and other micro cabins

....and you'll be led by myself (Deek Diedricksen), Dustin Diedricksen (both from former HGTV shows, etc), Chris Haynes (tiny house dweller and builder), and MORE tba!

Here's the thing, this workshop is LIMITED TO ONLY 15 attendees! 

Its going to be fun, we'll ACTUALLY BE BUILDING and taking on lots of build-meets-art projects that tie into tiny house techniques.

....and we might even have a lathe demo.

There will be door prizes, tiny house trivia for prizes, AND, a bar-hop one night after the workshop.... maybe even a post-workshop/non-workshop bonfire....

Workshop is July 25th and 26th- Sat and Sunday
9 am to 6pm each day....

Plenty of places to eat nearby (most within a few hundred feet), There's the Stoughton Motel to stay in, and a Radisson nearby, and more..... and, while building, we'll be helping to infuse a community with art.

We'll have a sign-up link soon, but meanwhile, you can email me at if interested. The price of the TWO DAY course is $225

Materials, a t-shirt, snacks/coffee, and more, are included..... we'll do pizza one night too....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Oh yeah, we'll be messing with a cool new solar panel from VOLTAIC ( at this workshop too (both workshops actually!)