Monday, February 9, 2015

For the cottage-industry/self-employed folks saving for a tiny house.....

     As you might have noticed by now, after 5+ years of rather eclectic posts, is not JUST about tiny houses, shelters, forts, tree houses, cabins, and campers/rvs, but about a money-saving diy, thrift, and craft-based ethic. Its for this reason that I occasionally post on subjects that are decor, homemade-art, craft, or self-employment related- all of which DO fit in with the free-spirited, creative, and resourceful ethos of the tiny house movement. Running a cottage-industry business? Well, this idea might just save you some money, or save you in a pinch, when you're out of packaging, out of time, and just don't want to run to a store to buy factory-made mailers.

So, here's a little money-saver that some of you who sell and ship through Ebay, Etsy, or who self-publish from home, might appreciate. These homemade mailer packages are EASY to make, as you'll see, cost nothing, and are made from recycleable materials you often already have right in your very home.

Enjoy- and if you dig it, pass it on.... it'll keep a few more cereal boxes out of the waste stream, even if just for a bit, and prevent the need for plastic packaging, and the wasting of your hard-earned money....

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen