Thursday, November 1, 2012

Graham Hill's Ultra-Modern Tiny Transformer Apartment

This one's small, not so much tiny, but BIG on space saving ideas! Check out this video I shot recently while out in NYC to teach a workshop for the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company...... This apartment design was funded by founder Graham Hill, and I had a chance to stay, alongside Paul Farr (Tumbleweed) in this uber-modern place. Its 420 square feet, transforms from a one, to a two, bedroom space, has a fold out dining table that seats TWELVE (we didn't have time to show/film it), and the place has storage everywhere! Also below is another new video I hosted/produced, a tour of a storage or shipping container house out in the Seattle, Washington area.   
    Thanks to Steven Harrell at for featuring this video as well!

And.... Hartman Kable's Container House/Surf Shack tour...

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen