Wednesday, November 23, 2011

BRAND NEW- Tiny Houses/Cabins Display at Walden Woods/Pond ("Tiny: The Movie")

Photo from inside "The GoddaGiddaWay" cabin (of Christopher Smith, while filming "Tiny: The Movie"
      This new short video went up the other day- part of what eventually will be some footage used in "Tiny: The Movie"- currently being filmed by Christopher Smith and Merete Mueller. I've included some photos I took that day during the shoot, one Merete took, and the video (of course). You can check out much more from these two on their Kickstarter fund-raising page- where they're hoping to raise enough money to help complete this large project. Tammy Strobel of, Jay Shafer of Tumbleweed House fame, and even my brother and his wife (Dustin and Dawn Diedricksen) will be part of this- alongside many more.


L to R- Christopher Smith, Derek "Deek" Diedricksen, and Merete Mueller

"The Hickshaw"- making the Thoreau recreation cabin look "Large" in this case.
The "GoddaGiddaWay" cabin in front of H.D. Thoreau's cabin at Walden Woods/Pond- it, and "The Hickshaw" were on display there for a month.
(photo by Merete Mueller)
 Both these cabins, and the concepts behind them (and like 40 more!) are in the new edition of "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks".

$11.49- THE NEW EDITION on
-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen