Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A photo gallery of unique street art- ideas and color-work for my future tiny house projects

For the simple sake of color, design, ideas, and who-knows-what (?) inspiration, here's a gallery of some wall mural/graffiti art I shot while Dustin and I were out in Brooklyn, NY building a micro-hut for The History Channel's new show "The United STATS of America"- The episode will air early in 2012. Again, I'm told I'm not supposed to show any photos of what we built until the episode airs

I've long wanted to build a camouflaged urban hut, completely bombed with street art and chaotic krylon every time I come across this stuff, I snap some pics for future reference.

The basic idea would be to make a small, outlaw dwelling, that doesn't look like a shelter/room from the exterior, whether it be on a rooftop, on/off a balcony, or in an alleyway- for experiment's sake.

My book- NEW EDITION- $11.53- left hand column of this blog, to order/check it out.
-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen