Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The World's Smallest Houseboat? For sale....Lake Union in Seattle (Shantyboat)

Thanks to Kriss for sending in this one...and man, if I lived out there, I'd buy this in a heartbeat- the Dickinson stove in there alone is worth about $700/$800....what a cool tiny home/house on the water this one would make! even for weekending...

Great little shanty. La Cosita is for sale. So much to say...... Fiberglass hull. Converted to houseboat. Great place to hang out on, enjoy the seen, watch the ducks.
Has wood stove for heat (Dickerson Newport). Place to sit, place to sleep, storage. Helm.
Classic 7 horse Montgomery Ward engine starts on second pull every time, works great, stowes in lassarett. Electric kicker moter, works great. Battery with solar charger to run the kicker, bilge pump and auxillarys. Big windows, lots of light.
15 feet long, very easy to tuck away almost anywhere.
Does not leak, no rot or any other issues, Great condition.
Turns heads, gets a lot of attention and plenty complements anywhere she goes.
Moored in Eastlake on Lake Union. Must be moved out of current slip by the end of this month.
Comes complete, everything is included. Trailer is available.
Clear title, current registration.
I am sure i am forgetting lots of things to list. Feel free to contact me with Questions. 303.620.6992 Aleks.
$1500 or best reasonable offer.

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen