Wednesday, April 13, 2011

YOUR ideas for "Tiny Yellow House" tv- our upcoming tiny house/construction/and redneck thrift (dumpster diving/crafting videos)

 See our most recent post (one below) for info on our upcoming Baltimore trip/shoots for "Tiny Yellow House" TV on youtube.....we want your help, and will credit you in the video....(and further below- info on our tiny houses on the ABC Network's "Chronicle"- airing tomorrow....

And (the last "And"- I swear...)- we might be shooting a lengthier, more multi-faceted, NEWER/slicker version of THIS video, below, real soon....where we'll show you a few other "in-a-pinch" redneck rigs.....

What I want to do (and we'll credit you in the video)- is to drop some of your (and I've already done it/made one before), as one viewer comically suggested, a office water-cooler jug-on-head set-up for protectiong one's eyes- when REAL (ALWAYS preferable) safety goggles, and/or sunglasses aren't on hand for post any ideas you have....the goofier (but effective) the better- as this will be a comedic "how-to" video....

Here's (above) the basic idea of the video/the old video- ALSO a great project for kids, and costumes on Halloween! This is a VERY ROUGH, spur-of-the-moment "how to" clip I shot, while working on an actual tiny shelter/house project, where the need truly arose....

ALSO......CHECK IT OUT: Tiny Houses (mine) on TV- WCVB/Boston (New England's ABC affiliate)- channel 5's "Chronicle HD" show- 7:30pm tomorrow- has a piece on my backyard work/workshop, etc...

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen