joshua tree workshop 2018

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Just Added to our 2014 ALL-HANDS-ON Tiny House Building and Design Workshop in Collierville, TN, right outside Memphis….

Kent Griswold- of, and honcho behind Tiny House Magazine

AND MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED!!!! Check out this cool flyer that Kevin Fitzpatrick did….

Ar the workshop, we'll TOUR SIX (or MORE) Tiny Houses! And BUILD Two! SPACE IS LIMITED!

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How to build/install a bed in a conversion DIY camper van

VAN DWELLING- the other side of tiny housing….

Steven Harrell from has been busy converting his new acquisition, a big ole white transport van (with full standing room!), into a portable dwelling- "The Grande Gringo"- or whatever name he ultimately lands on.

Alongside the SIX or so tiny houses you'll get to tour at our April 11th-13th Hands-On Building/Design Workshop in Memphis, TN (2014)….

-Steven will be bringing out this van he's been working on! Van Dwelling is a huge underground movement, and closely parallels tiny house living, naturally.

A GREAT Story on this subject, by the way, is the book "WALDEN ON WHEELS" which came out last year- I read it, and REALLY enjoyed it. Some great tips on small space efficiency and covert living.

Decorating a tiny cabin with scrap wood, flea market finds, and roadside junk…Part 1

"Hey Big Spender!"

I'm not done with this little cabin ("The Relaxshack") yet (one we collectively built at one of my workshops), but here's a video showing a little progress, and some decor that I've been injecting into it. The decorating budget: Almost nothing. In this video I show you an simple idea (greenhouse plant staging, and a possible cool vehicle for store displays) using some scrap wood posts, AND quite a few furnishings  I've found on the side of the road, a flea markets, thrift shops, and dollar stores….

You get a decent sneak peak at a hunk of this cabin too- one for sale once completed. $2500 (you'd have to move it though- ANY shed company could easily handle it). kidcedar at if interested.

If you're looking to gain some building and designing skills….
APRIL 11-13th, 2014 Memphis, TN
Registration is now open for our HANDS-ON Tiny-House Building Workshop 
3 days- Camping ON the workshop premises
A night-trip to Beale Street
Build TWO CABINS as a group
10 Guest Speakers
Live Demos
Campfire Discussions at Night
Click on the banner on the top of for info (before the workshop date)

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Deek's "Art from Recycled Junk" SIX For Sale (fund NEW TINY HOUSE TOUR VIDEOS)

Here and there I'll sell a few original art pieces to help keep the blog going- usually, some rather bizarre art made with repurposed materials. Many of these I create as color-pieces and props for the cabins and tiny houses I design and build- so that they look more vibrant, fun, and, well, decorated, when I photograph and film them.
THE PROCEEDS FROM THESE GO TOWARDS, NEW BUILDS, NEW VIDEOS, and covering whatever travel I rack up filming my tiny house tours. I'd like to get enough funds to make it over the the UK to shoot 4-5 things this year or next- we'll see….

We recently sold this one- (thank you!)

This (below), the feature of a recent time-lapse sketch video on my youtube channel is also for sale- $300- not including shipping (its pretty huge! 3' by 3').

"The Doctor is IN" by Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

And a small, fun, one "Monster n' Son"- $45- on recycled pine. 

Below: "Octopopsicle"- about 12" tall. $50

Below: Untitled "Graffiti on Oil Painting"- $120- approx. 20" by 30"

Below: Frankenblock- 10" by 10"- $45

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Dog, A Tiny Cabin Project, The Woods Of Vermont….

I was looking back at some photos of mine from previous workshops I've hosted/taught, and this is one of my favorites I took….

This off-grid cabin is only 80 square feet in size, but with a soon-to-be-built loft, and a large array of windows to give view to the woods and trees around, it'll feel much larger.

This (still in the works) is a cabin we framed and designed in the backwoods of Vermont, called "The Rockhill" (a nod to Bill Rockhill from who speared-headed the group on my cabin concept). Its also located on a hill, and next to a HUGE rock, so the name seemed more than fitting.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this shot of my dog, "Orzo", posing in front of this cabin, as I gear up for our biggest and best workshop yet- One just outside Memphis, TN- April 11-13th, with a list of speakers, designers, builders, and bloggers, so long, its getting crazy! I really can't wait for this. We're limiting the number of attendees, and its filling up fast!- so don't wait too long.

Oh yeah, its completely hands-on, and we're building TWO CABINS as a group! There's NO QUICKER WAY TO LEARN!

Monday, January 13, 2014

This Tree House is solely suspended by ropes- no nails or bolts!

      I really should have officially posted this long ago, as this went public about six months back, as did some of my hosting work/episodes for HGTV, but better late than never I suppose! Things have been crazy here, but in a good way- especially with the upcoming Tiny House Building Workshop (Hands-On) that I have coming up April 11-13th. If you haven't seen what we have in store, its just LOADED with tiny house tours, guest speakers, live demos, campfire discussions, and us all building two cabins! While enrollment is still open (before it sells out), the banner on the top of my site will give you full details….

What reminded me that I never really publicized this tree house project (one I designed, built, and hosted) was selling this tree house to a family just the other day. My yard is a virtual village of tiny structures and in-the-works designs, so a few of 'em just need to go, here and there, to make way for other tiny houses, cabins, and funky forts.

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Sunday, January 12, 2014

You made your floors out of WHAT??? Money Saving Ideas for your Tiny House/Cabin


Being installed: In this photo the flooring and baseboard trim (to hide and tack down the edges has yet to be installed). 

Here's an idea we toyed with at our last workshop in MA- and one I've never seen done before. My neighbor (fellow salvage enthusiast) thought of this- "What if we take my old metal above-ground pool walls, and use them as flooring?". Well, we did, and it works pretty darn well, its 100% recyclable, costs us NOTHING, and looks pretty wild! I do recommend putting down a layer of flooring padding (the thin foam rolls) before laying out these sheets- it'll minimize any noise.

SO, if you're into thinking outside the box/going the bizarre (and affordable) route with your home, here's something to consider, as above-ground pools are thrown out CONSTANTLY! 

This shot's from our not-yet-finished cabin "The Relaxshack", which also features a 100% free and salvaged back wall- what I've dubbed "The Wild Wall"…..

Here's a video showing and explaining this colorful, and cost-effective technique….

These are ideas, alongside 1045 more, that we'll be demonstrating, discussing, and IMPLEMENTING in a hands-on/get-dirty manner at our Memphis, TN Workshop- April 11-13th

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Saturday, January 11, 2014

SIXTEEN tiny houses, A-frames, Huts, Art Studios….An eye candy photo gallery

Every once in awhile, I look through my photo archives and realize "Man, I have a lot of photos I've never used", so I then put together a fun, photo gallery, such as this one, where many of these shots I've taken of cabins, tiny houses, A-frames, and huts, get to see the light of day. So Enjoy, and may you get some inspiration, or a few ideas from these!
    Also, check out our fb page on Tiny Houses, and DIY projects-
And details on our upcoming HANDS-ON building and design workshop in Memphis, TN- April 11-13th, 20141 I can't wait!!!

 A lil' A-frame Cottage-rental office I spotted near Acadia National Park in Maine….

 Doug Immel's Tumbleweed Fencl- which came out to our last Building Workshop

 Joe Everson's Work- a 192 Square Foot Tiny Home in TN

 Above: My "Rock Shack" in my backyard, built and designed with recycled materials

 Another cabin on wheels called "The Cub" which I built and designed too- plans eventually coming!

 We built and designed this little getaway cabin in the woods for Vermont for only $300!

 Another reading/writer's retreat I designed in MA (not finished in this photo)

 An A-frame design of mine (it transforms!)- more details and photos coming soon!

 A tiny house in CT

 Another view of my Rock Shack (the one photo here I didn't take- its from Andrew Prince)

 Jim Matus' backwoods cabin in MA

 A micro modern cabin in MA that we recently toured!

My trash-built Gypsy Junker cabin that I built and designed (it sold last year)

A great A-frame I spotted on a road trip near VT

 Incomplete: A cabin I'm working on called "The Periscope"

I built and designed this tree house in late 2013 for a client near Boston, MA

A yurt, one you'll see, and possibly get to stay in, at our Memphis Hands-On Building and Design Workshop 2014

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

My Book….

Friday, January 10, 2014

Yurt/Mongolian Ger Tour- STAY IN THIS YURT at our workshop (or a tiny house!)

I have an avalanche of tiny house photos waiting in the wings- all stuff I either built, designed, toured, or saw.... if you want "MORE" tiny house wise, be sure to "like" us at

Here's a yurt that was recently erected at our Hands-On Tiny House Building/Design Workshop in Massachusetts. We WILL have a yurt assembly demo at our next workshop too (April 11-13th, 2014- Memphis, TN- slot are already filling up!) - AND those who are first to sign up, will be welcome to stay in it too- which'll save the hassle of bringing a tent, or having to pay for lodging.

kidcedar at or click on the banner link (2014) above on the blog.

Here's the video tour of this cool homemade yurt

This yurt is pretty huge inside, and housed several people at our last workshop (and shall do so again- perfect for those who fly in, but can't lug a tent with them, and don't want to spend money on a hotel).

Also, another recent fun video....

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Modern-Art Repurposed Kitchen-Cabinet Window Coverings???

 Here's a simple little DIY project I had some fun with… and yes, we'll be making some DIY funky, recycled-material decorations for the TWO cabins we collectively design and build at our Hands-On Tiny House Building Workshop in Memphis, TN- April 11-13th, 2014. SO many great guests and speakers are on our roster too! 

 Here's a little something I made, along many other recycled-material art pieces for my cabins, as the weather wasn't so hot the last few days here in Massachusetts and forced me inside. While the winter here can really slow me down in terms of making any progress on the various cabins and tiny houses I've been working on, on the bright side, it does leave me a little time here and there to focus on fun, indoor, activities, as well- such as making this bizarre little modern-art piece out of an old kitchen cabinet door I had been saving for far too long. The old cabinet door (thrown out on the sidewalk from a neighbor's renovation) is adorned with a multitude of scrap wood from many projects in the past.

Yes, I save just about everything, but its only because I know I'll always find a use for it.

So the idea: Aside from being a wall hanging, made from salvaged and free materials that could add some color to a room, this repurposed-cabinet door could serve as a window covering, in lieu of a shade or blind, that swings to close a window, and when in closed mode, serves as interesting art. You could even decorate the inside of the door, so that when open, it stands as an art piece as well.

Here's a closer shot, where it shows the 1960s/70s looking handle- one I left attached so that a clue as to what this used to be, would be evident.

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Monday, January 6, 2014

FREE SPIRIT SPHERES Tree House Tour! You can stay in these Spaceship-like Orbs!

I was lucky enough to get a chance to fly across the country, then up to Canada, to host a workshop for The Tumbleweed Tiny House Company at UBC, and then later take a side trip to out to Vancouver Island to see The Free Spirit Spheres- four tree houses you can rent a night, or month, in. They ARE gorgeous, all lined around a bass-stocked pond, and artwork in and of themselves. Part wooden boat building, part gigantic alien eye balls?

Check out this mini tour we were able to film….

AND CHECK OUT THE INFO ON OUR UPCOMING "TINY HOUSE BUILDING/DESIGN WORKSHOP in MEMPHIS, TN"- You WILL be building/swingin' a hammer- a lot. April 11-13th. TOUR 5 tiny houses, build and design two more, hear from a TON of guest speakers, sit in at our bonfire discussions at night, take a trip with us to Beale Street night two, and CAMP OUT on site all the while! Space is limited….the fun is UNLIMITED! (hyuk, hyuk!). No, seriously, its gonna be AWESOME. 
kidcedar at

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Deek, I'm looking to put a BAR in my tiny house, any ideas?

We JUST announced our NEXT HANDS-ON, TINY HOUSE BUILDING WORKSHOP- This one will be THREE DAYS, with camping, and your chance to tour FIVE, or more, TINY HOUSES! Learn from, Build with, and Camp with the pros!- 30+ contact hours! April 11-13th, near MEMPHIS, TN- CLICK HERE, for more info….
Made with an old, defunct, tv set, this makeshift bar adds a heck of a lot of character to any room, and might work well, for those in need, in a tiny house or cabin.

So I got an email, pretty recently, from a guy who was looking to build a tiny house (10' by 15' was the plan), and he was concerned about entertaining people, as it was something he did a lot of. "Deek, I'm looking to put a BAR in my tiny house, any ideas"?

Well, in terms of space, you'd certainly be limited with a house that is only 150 square feet, so as I got thinking about it, a felt a traditional bar wouldn't make much sense, but then I stumbled across this gorgeous photo on pinterest, and thought this might be fun route to take.

While this doesn't really have the traditional counter space a normal bar would, it has a few things a run-of-the-mill bar might not….

1. Its a heck of a focal point in a room
2. Its a conversation starter
3. Its made from otherwise useless recycled goods
4. It'd cost almost nothing to make
5. It doesn't take up an insane amount of space

Additional drink mixing (if need be, as you do have the tv top already) could be done on a fold-down (from the wall) table of sorts, but in terms of liquor storage with a twist, this project is pretty incredible! Not to mention incredibly easy….

-Derek "Deek" Diedricksen

Friday, January 3, 2014


SORRY…. we'll announce another soonish… so keep checking back! Thanks! -Deek

APRIL 11th-13th (Fri-Sunday), 2014 will be our NEXT RELAXSHACKS.COM Hands-On Tiny House Building and Design Workshop. Each one we've done gets better and better, and we've had so many people re-sign up for workshops after having attended previous ones, that we're obviously doing something very right. So, Memphis, TN (25 min outside) is our next three day extravaganza, and I couldn't be more excited. I think this will be OUR BEST ONE YET! 
"Mendy's Shoe Box"- You'll be seeing one of Joe Everson's Shoebox models on site! 

WHY IS THIS ONE OUR BEST YET? Well, aside from it all taking place on the 7 acre spread of Joe Everson's Tennessee Tiny Homes building facility (which is pretty amazing!)….

-We'll be building and designing TWO, if not THREE group-build cabins this time- Yes, you'll be swinging hammers, cutting boards, getting exhausted, and CREATING! We'll have more details on the projects soon. But we're taking on multiple projects to ensure that each attendee gets A LOT of focus time and experience by the end of the weekend.

-We'll TOUR FIVE TINY HOUSES- wheeled ones, ground-bound ones, a transforming A-frame I recently designed, a Martha's Vineyard-like cottage with a loft, and again, building two more.

Yes, you'll get a complete tour of THIS, full-time, lived-in, tiny house- one with a full kitchen, gorgeous bathroom, full couch, and sleep loft. Get ideas by SEEING and DOING! There's no better way….

-We'll have a Bonfire discussion and speakers at night, a BIG BONFIRE. Its a great, fun, and relaxed-atmosphere way to hear from our guest speakers, have a cold beverage or two, and get to know the people in your class. The networking of these events is more important that you realize, and you'll learn so much off one another as well.

-A meet n' greet pizza party, with ice-breaking build demos night #1- with an emphasis on budget construction and utilizing salvaged materials.

-Some GREAT guest speakers and teachers! See down below….

Also on the workshop site, you'll see this "Transforming A-Frame", one designed by Deek (with plan sets for it available in the not-too-distant future). 

-You'll learn how to frame a house, set foundation posts, build and attach a tiny home to a trailer, various approaches on ground-bound dwellings, how to build with recycled materials, what materials to select, various methods and tricks-of-the-trade in construction, where you're allowed to live tiny, and HOW, and so much more!

-You'll get to help build a mini rocket stove! And we just might cook up some grub on it.

Upon Recycled Material Construction: Here's an example of an art studio (("The Periscope") one with a sleeping loft above)) that Deek built out of 70% free and found materials. He'll tell you how and where to find materials, what to keep in mind, how to clean them, and what to pass up on.

-Pick the brains of many carpenters, designers, authors, bloggers, and beyond- many of which have built several tiny homes in the past.

-Take a group trip to Beale Street night two for some discussions, followed by fun- and GREAT live music in a city that's home to the blues!

You WILL tour the inside of this tiny house near Memphis, and by doing so, you'll grab many, many ideas on furniture placement, space-efficiency, decor, and more. SEEING the tiny houses and cabins of others, first hand, is such a great way to harvest new ideas, and to get an actual feel of what its like, layout-wise, in these small homes. 

-See a demo on Deek's MANY methods for saving LOTS of money when designing a home. If you later utilize one of his methods, the savings alone, will more than cover/justify the cost of the workshop- and that's just one small facet of this weekend!

-See a Mongolian Ger (Yurt) being set up right before your eyes- and possibly even get to stay in it! You'll have an option to stay in some tiny homes as well.

Yep, here's ANOTHER tiny house you'll get to check out

-Camp out with us and spend days AND nights talking and learning about tiny homes and small space

-Learn the "DOs and DON'Ts" of tiny house building and design- the Don'ts and mistake stories are just as important!

ABOVE: THIS IS OUR NIGHTTIME CLASSROOM- This shot is from our last workshop in MA, but you get the idea. After a day of building and design, this is where we'll convene for discussions, guest speakers, slide shows, live demos, and perhaps a few cocktails if you want to b.y.o.b. These bonfires are a great opportunity to really get to know people and learn from one another!

-Get tips on small kitchen and bathroom designs, and how to overcome the challenge of limited space.

-Learn what to look for when selecting a building site- there's more to it than you think!

Shot from the Memphis, TN work locale we'll be at…. yes, its a lil' tiny house haven! 

-Build and learn the basics, tools, and safety, with another one of our ice-breaking projects- constructing pallet furniture- adirondack chairs, saw horses, tables, and more- which you'll be welcome to keep. Bring a favorite paint color if you'd like too…. We made some WILD chairs at our last workshop, which attendees then used around the fire, and later took home.

-HEAR from MANY other experts, and pick the brains of our guest speakers….their time is YOURS

-Get a private video tutorial from Deek, and one from Steven Harrell, on tiny house related building and subject matter.

Scene from our last workshop- a second side-project we worked on….a micro musician's studio/office

-Be part of a video shoot for the youtube show "Tiny Yellow House".

-Win a prize on our first night's "UGLY ROCK BAND SHIRT" contest…. bring a bad heavy metal wig for extra points! Runner up will get prizes as well- tiny house books, tools, a foot rub from Dustin (kidding)….

OUR SPEAKERS/TEACHERS (and more to come!)

DEREK "DEEK" DIEDRICKSEN- HGTV Host/Designer, Author of "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks", Blogger. Deek's cabins and designs have been cover-featured in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Seattle Times, The China Times,'s homepage, The UK Daily News, and in countless other magazines, papers, and blogs. He also has done design work for The History Channel, CBS, The DIY Network, The WB, Make Magazine, and ABC Television. Aside from his own book, his cabins have been featured in the books "Micro Green"- by Mimi Zeiger, "Tiny Homes, Simple Shelter" by Lloyd Kahn, and will be in the upcoming book "Water and Wheels".

JOE EVERSON- and, Joe's work has appeared in many blogs, newspapers, and on tv. He's EASILY one of the busier guys in the scene, having built an impressive amount of tiny houses, both on foundations, and on wheels. His work will be appearing in the upcoming book "Micro Structures", and on the show "Tiny Yellow House". If you're lucky, Joe just might bust out his Batman suit during construction!

STEVE HARRELL- Steven's the man behind, and, runs his blogs and youtube show from an off-grid tiny studio (one we built and designed at another workshop of ours!), and is in the process of developing a cabin home in the woods of North Carolina- off grid. Want to talk about finding land, or space, for a tiny home? He's your guy. He'll be talking solar at the workshop, with a demo, and helping you build a rocket stove, among other things.

DUSTIN "DR. DEMOLTION" DIEDRICKSEN- Dustin, a co-host, and co-carpenter, for ALL of Deek's past FIVE workshops (since 2010), is an Environmental Engineer/Toxicologist, a builder/designer of space efficient furniture, and lives in a small home with his family, one he renovated himself. His co-work with Deek has appeared in a variety of magazines, books, and tv shows. Want to know which salvage materials are safe to use, and which to avoid? He's the guy who has the answers.

KARI COOPER- Kari's about as spunky as the come, and was at our last workshop in Massachusetts, where she demonstrated how a traditional Mongolian Ger Round House (a Yurt) is designed and set-up. You'll get to see, and even help, her set one up, and possibly even stay in it. She's very knowledgeable on the subject, and dang enthusiastic.

WILL YOUNT- Will's Tiny House designs, from his company (based out of Nashville, TN), have graced many blogs, tour videos on youtube, and beyond. Another one of the harder working guys on the scene, Will's a wealth of knowledge when it comes to designing, and building homes on a budget. I hear he plays a mean guitar too….


Here's a video overview from a 2012 workshop we did- a video piece that MAKE MAGAZINE shot for us, which also aired on Vermont Public Radio/NPR… It gives the general/idea, or vibe, or these workshops…. (thanks to Jon Kalish for the interviews!)

- Again, these sell out fast, and space is limited, so don't wait too long….
The THREE DAY COURSE- one with almost 35 contact hours, one dinner, and weekend-long snacks, drinks, coffee, and course materials, packets, and more is $399.
Oh, we just may have some door prizes too!

Joe Everson, and Steven Harrell, two of our hosts, in front of a mini-tailgating cabin, or weekend retreat cabin on wheels- one you'll also get to check out! 

CAMPING ON SITE is an option too…. details soon….
AS is staying IN one of Joe Everson's Tiny Houses…. Joe will provide info on this soon.
There are area hotels nearby too, and the build site is about 25 minutes from the Memphis airport. There are also several restaurants and stores a very short drive away.

Once we get people signed up and closer to the date, we can talk amongst the group to share rides to and from the airport too. It has always worked well in the past.

Workshop begins Friday at noon until 5-6 pm on Sunday. Friday and Saturday, the workshop, building, discussions, bonfire, and speakers will be all day and night…. This is not a 9-5 workshop, we often hang until midnight, talking shop, picking each others brains for ideas, answering questions, and just having great conversations around the fire.

Within 3 months notice, you'll get a full refund
Withing 2 months of the date- 75% refund
Withing one month- You'll get a credit to ANY of the other workshops we host….
This is because many supplies, orders, reservations, rentals, and more- are based on our head count. Its also a time consumer to have to re-seek replacements for seats- time we'd rather spend on preparing for the event- which takes a MASSIVE amount of time and energy. So please plan accordingly, mark your calendars, and such, and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Plus, its an event YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS!

Any questions- email Deek…

'Hope to see some of you there!!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

WIN a copy if Laura LaVoie's Tiny House Book!

Laura LaVoie, a busy member of the tiny house scene, recently released a book titled "120 Ideas For Tiny Living", and here's your chance to win a copy of the downloadable version…..

What I love about Laura is that she's choosing the simple life so as to be able to do things her way- from the freelance writing she does for various blogs, to her own blog on her tiny house experiences ( with her partner Matt), and even a blog on her other love- GOOD BEER!

Anyway, as for the book, just "like" us over at, if you haven't already, and simply list a favorite book or two of yours, on the subject of tiny housing, or small living. That's it- then we'll randomly pick from those who entered.

The way I figure it, even if you don't win, readers will still get a chance to hear of titles they might otherwise not have know of.


We'll pick the winner in three days from the initial post on Facebook….

AND FOR THOSE WHO ARE GRUMBLING TO THEMSELVES, "Blah, I never have any luck so what's the point anyway!?"- you can pick up Laura's book on as well- here's the link….

THREE funky/weird tiny house/cabins going up for sale soon!

Above: A recycled-material tree house I just built for a client- if you missed the video tour….

Man, I just can't wait for spring here in New England, so I can get back into building, designing, completing a few projects….AND hosting our 2014, KICK-ASS HANDS-ON Tiny House Building And Design Workshop- 3 days, WITH Camping options, in Memphis, TN! 

Its gonna be nuts! AND I'll have the ticket info up soon…. the list of builders, authors, tv hosts, speakers, and designers that we're having as guest speakers is crazy AND you'll not only build and design two cabins, but you'll get to tour FIVE or so tiny houses! We'll build a rocket stove too, have a solar power demo, and the list goes on…..

If you want direct info once its out, email me at kidcedar at

It'll be April 11-13th….. and yes, there will be a side trip one night to Beale Street!

We're limiting this to about 25-30 people to, so as to keep it intimate and to give each person individual attention. ALL skill levels are welcome- even those who have NEVER built anything.
As for the designs….I've been wrapping up these cabins, which will be for sale soon….. many can double as art studios, tiny backyard guest sleepers or retreats, small yoga studios, reading rooms, or with a small added bathroom option, a seasonal little home for one even. You'd have to move 'em, and most shed moving companies can easily handle these with a flat bed truck.

ALL FUNDS will go back into designing new cabins, and shooting videos on them, for our educational "Tiny Yellow House" show/series on youtube. These CUSTOM designs are also very on par, price-wise, with the really lousy, particle-board, junk-sheds you'd get from a big chain store, but these ones are well built, and one of a kind.
Also, these can all be insulated VERY easily and affordably. And wired.

"THE PERISCOPE"- $4500- $500 extra for a bathroom annex off the back. This one will have a laddered sleep loft as well…. its a little over 12' tall. (Not complete in the photo)

THE RELAXSHACK- with a day bed/storage cabinets inside, and wall shelving- about 7' by 7', overhang CAN support a hanging chair too …. $2500
The front cedar deck piece comes with it too…

THE BREAD BOX- Musician's Hideout, Art Studio, Green House- 6' by 8'- 8' tall, tongue and groove flooring within, thick steel roof with a clear Tuftex combo, 36" glass door - $2000

These will all eventually be featured in my next book- a follow-up to "Humble Homes, Simple Shacks"- but VASTLY different in approach!